Digital Pages
In the process of printing, I introduced the idea of using transparent colors for highlights and shadows (inspired from how I painted digitally using layers). This allowed for a far greater range of colors to be used in the print without increasing workload.
Colors printed: Green, Brown, Red, Light Blue, Transparent light yellow, Transparent Dark Blue, and Black.
Firemouse had another start before college began, intended to be a game of cat-and-mouse (with an elemental cat made of smoke) as well as raise awareness for electrical hazards.

The original concept for the Firemouse and Smoke Cat

Only one page was partially finished before I was hit with a long tide of health problems. The story was then re-imagined for screen printing.

Flat Colors

Line Art

Both iterations were designed to tell a story using no text or speech bubbles. I enjoy the idea and challenges included with trying to tell a silent story.
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