Did I say Partially Cursed? Woops, I meant very cursed.
Here you'll find that which I've made for others that aren't really for a portfolio per say (some are paintings, some are doodles, others screencap paint-overs or edits, some are just Minecraft), but I still wanted to show off. I believe knowing someone's sense of humor and what brings them joy is key to interacting with them. While a list of my inspirations can be found on my About page, I figured these could find some organized chaos on a page of their own.
...A lot of it is going to be for the streamers Bugs and Frankie, or minecraft, or Frankenbugs Minecraft.
First some minecraft (with lots of mods that add different block types). Trouble conceptualizing a room for a project? Why not make it in minecraft and walk around it. Helped work out a lot of holdups I had. No shaders btw, just the fun illusion made from building the room upside down under a layer of glass!
Created for Frankenbugs
Oh look there's some Pokemon things here too
AI generated Pokemon from https://nokemon.eloie.tech/ redrawn
The Elder Scrolls Online